About Westcoast Actuaries
We are an independent actuarial consulting firm in business since the mid-1990’s, with clients across Canada. As a full service consulting firm, we cover key areas of investment and actuarial consulting, including Group Retirement Plans for employees, Individual Pension Plans (IPPs) for business owners and senior executives, and Actuarial Evidence and Expert Reports required by legal professionals. Our clients receive the benefit of our experience and expert advice that is imperative to their success.
/ About Us
A leading actuarial consulting firm focused on customizing creative, impactful and future-ready strategies to help our clients manage their benefits, pension and actuarial needs
We have our head office in Vancouver, British Columbia and consultants located in Ontario. Our highly technical team of qualified actuaries provide expert services to clients in all of the Canadian provinces and territories. We are proactive in bringing actuarial and administrative solutions to our clients and we take pride in making the needs of our clients our own. Our ability to crystallize complex issues and adopt actuarial techniques for large and small clients alike allows us to assist our clients with achieving the highest return on investment for every dollar they spend on group pension, individual pension or employee benefits plans.
/ Our Mission
To Provide Quality, Cost-Effective
Consulting Services To Our Clients

/ The Team